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x - Box with Friends - x

→▪← Friend number 1 . :)). MusicIsLife4Ever.
You are amazing ! We just met, and we already are best friends ! Hope I will always can trust you ! <3 .I met you as a stranger, I took you as a friend ! Hope we met in heaven ! Where friendship never ends !
→▪← Friend Number 2 :)) . xAnonymNoFamexD. How can you be sooo sweet ? <3
→▪← Friend number 3 :)) . NewYorKerXxd - one more friend - more happiness
→▪← Friend number 4 :)). RocKy - Haha. It`s funny how many friends you can get in one day ! Isn`t it ?? I`ve never got so many friends in one day ! =))
→▪← Friend number 5 :)) xYoUuXD - Yaay ! I got one more awsm friend <3

→▪← I`m still waiting for more friends .... I promise I will be a good friend !
▌ Friendship never gets old ▌
▌ Friendship never gets old ▌
▌ Friendship never gets old ▌
▌ Friendship never gets old ▌
▌ Friendship never gets old ▌
▌ Friendship never gets old ▌

Comments • 3

xYoUuXD 8 May 2011  
I wanna be ur friend
NewYorKerXxd 4 May 2011  
> I would like :)
LifeIsMusic4Ever 4 May 2011  
<3. Love Yuuu`:X
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